Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The ballad of a bosco stick

Don't worry there won't be any actual singing. Or rhyming. Instead, we will use this time to discuss bosco sticks. While not strictly pizza, bosco sticks are part of the pizza family. If there were a family reunion, bosco sticks would be invited, though it is probably still legal in most states for pizza and bosco sticks to wed.

That isn't the point, friends. The point is that bosco sticks are delicious. The bosco, or stuffed breadstick, was invented some time ago. The Bosco Pizza Company claims it created it in 1988. In my mind, boscos have been around since dinosaurs. The T-rex returned home from a hard days hunt and broke out a bosco. The triceratops, which technically didn't exist according to meddling scientists, enjoyed a bosco stuffed with leaves.

I diverge from my point yet again. Bowling Green, which did not exist when Dinosaurs did, has a variety of bosco choices. Myles Pizza, the ever popular pizza venue, has some super delicious cheese and pepperoni stuffed breadsticks. These sticks, which come in a pack of six for around $5, got perfect with some dipping sauce. The sticks are often gooey enough to be delicious, but not gooey to the point of being uncooked. There is just the right amount of gooey. Gooey.

The other main option is the place known for its breadsticks, Campus Pollyeyes. Campus Pollyeyes, in an act of one-up-manship I'm sure, has a ton of options for objects to stuff in to your breadsticks. I once ordered a breadstick full of broken glass and mustard, and they delivered. (Editor's note: This is not true at all, Campus Pollyeyes will not put hazardous materials in your food.) The chicken breadsticks are to die for, which you might actually do if you try to conquer a full order. (Editor's note: Not actually likely.) A full order of the sticks will cost you though, as a full order of cheese costs $11 with chicken or roast beef running close to $15. (Editor's note: Editor's notes are fun. Also, they are $14.25 exactly.) (Editor's note: Plus tax.)

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