Well. It has been a hectic first week so I am a bit late on the introduction, but I just wanted to welcome you all to our blog, Cheesy in BGeezy. Oddly enough, typing that name always take me two or three tries.
My name is Jason. Along with Jess, I will be participating in the pizza posting. I have had a long history with pizza, dating back as far as I can remember. As a child, growing up on a farm in rural Pennsylvania, I can remember pizza being something we only got on a special occasion as my family did not have a significant amount of extra money.
When my family moved to Ohio in the late 90s, our financial status increased with new jobs and more opportunities, this also meant that there would be more pizza available.
The amount of pizza in my life may have increased since moving to Ohio, but I still feel a bit of excitement with every opened box. Luckily, an abundance of pizza establishments exist in Northwest Ohio.
Bowling Green is an interesting place for pizza because it comes in so many different varieties. Myles Pizza, which is borderline lasagna to me, is a very deep Chicago-esque pizza. Pisanellos and the Pollyeyes offer thinner (than Myles) pizza with two very different tastes. Beyond the home grown, BG also has many different franchises.
Hopefully by monitoring this blog, you will learn which places are worth your time and money. So stick around, put on a bib, and get ready to read all about Ohio's saucy delights.